How to Find Registration Number from VIN, for FREE

If you’ve already got the VIN for a vehicle, and you want to know the vehicle history (or anything else) you’re going to need to know the number plate (VRM) first. We’ve created this free guide to help you find out how to do it, right now, for absolutely no cost.

Important: Please take our anonymous 20 second survey here so that we can better understand your VIN usage requirements. We have sadly had to withdraw this free service due to increasing costs.


How to find any VIN for FREE!

At present, most vehicle checks (whether free or paid) will only provide you with the last 5 digits of the VIN. Chances are you’re going to need the whole VIN, and here’s how to get it:

  1. Check the V5C log book as this will list the VIN at the very top.
  2. Use our free service (coming soon) to look up the VIN, using the number plate (VRM) only, for example: AB51 ABC. We’ll tell you the VIN for free.
  3. Manually check the vehicle itself, it’ll be listed on the windscreen or chassis, or often in the service booklet. Anyone can view the VIN of any vehicle if they know how.

What is a “VIN” number?

It actually stands for Vehicle Identification Number, so if you’re calling it a “VIN Number” you’re effectively saying “number” twice!

Every vehicle in the UK should have a VIN number, indeed every vehicle sold anywhere in the world should have one. It’s a unique code that identifies the vehicle and, unlike a registration plate, cannot be changed.


Where do I find the VIN on the vehicle?

On the vehicle itself, you’ll find the VIN in a few places. Firstly, stamped onto the VIN plate, right inside the engine compartments, so lift the bonnet and start looking ๐Ÿ™‚ .ย  It may be called “engine number”, “chassis number” or “identification number” and appears like the image below (look for the black or blue-back plate):

An older-style VIN plate from a motorcycle
VIN – called “chassis no.” – on a Nissan

It’ll also be stamped onto the vehicle elsewhere – possibly under the windscreen, or more likely into a door. Similar to this:

A doorstamp VIN from a BMW


Last but not least, the VIN should also be in the service book(s). If these are the newer digital ones then it’s harder to check them yourself, sadl, but if the vehicle you’re viewing has a physical service booklet then you should most definitely ask to see it before buying the vehicle!

Make sure to check the V5C logbook as well (as described above), you’ll find it under Section 4:

So in summary: Be sure to check ALL of these sources yourself to make sure that the VIN is the same for all of them. It sounds obvious – but too many people simply don’t bother!


Why would a vehicle have no VIN…?

If a vehicle has no VIN, make sure you’re not simply looking in the wrong place….! It’s quite hard to find them if you don’t know where to look.

If you still can’t find it, then it’s possible the VIN has been removed – a potential red flag. There are a few possible explanations here: Cars that have been heavily modified often will have no VIN as the modifications have overwritten or removed it, so always be prepared to ask serious questions to the seller if there is no VIN visible. If they do not offer a reasonable reason why, then walk away from the sale.

Another explanation might be that the vehicle was previously stolen, the criminals try to clone/blank it by removing its VIN which is effectively its “identification document”! Order a Vehicle Check from us and we’ll tell you if the vehicle has ever been stolen or not.


Can you change VIN numbers?

Some cars like kit cars or seriously altered vehicles have had a VIN change, but this is very rare. The website has more information here. But generally speaking, no. If a car has a serious accident then that VIN will still apply to the old vehicle, i.e. it won’t get re-used on a newer vehicle.

Globally each vehicle has its own unique VIN / chassis number, and the system is tightly regulated, so if you’ve come across a possible duplicate VIN, walk away.


Will a Vehicle Check show the VIN?

Yes and no. Our Premium vehicle check service displays the last 5 digits of the VIN only. No vehicle check service will display the full VIN – because it is against DVLA data disclosure laws to do so.

Once you have the last 5 digits, you are strongly advised to check these digits against the vehicle’s VIN yourself – make sure that the last 5 digits in your Premium report (sample) match those on the vehicle. See above to find out how to manually check this yourself, it only takes 10 seconds and can save you a lot of headache later!


Please note that our free VIN lookup service has unfortunately been suspended, due to rising costs. Please take our 20 second survey here so that we can better understand your VIN usage requirements and try to bring it back.

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Where do I find the VIN on the vehicle?

On the vehicle itself, you'll find the VIN in a few places. Firstly, stamped onto the VIN plate, right inside the engine compartments, so lift the bonnet and start looking :) .ย  It may be called "engine number", "chassis number" or "identification number" and appears like the image below (look for the black or blue-back plate):

Why would a vehicle have no VIN...?

If a vehicle has no VIN, make sure you're not simply looking in the wrong place....! It's quite hard to find them if you don't know where to look.

If you still can't find it, then it's possible the VIN has been removed - a potential red flag. There are a few possible explanations here: Cars that have been heavily modified often will have no VIN as the modifications have overwritten or removed it, so always be prepared to ask serious questions to the seller if there is no VIN visible. If they do not offer a reasonable reason why, then walk away from the sale.

Can you change VIN numbers?

Some cars like kit cars or seriously altered vehicles have had a VIN change, but this is very rare. The website has more information here. But generally speaking, no. If a car has a serious accident then that VIN will still apply to the old vehicle, i.e. it won't get re-used on a newer vehicle.

Will a Vehicle Check show the VIN?

Yes and no. Our Premium vehicle check service displays the last 5 digits of the VIN only. No vehicle check service will display the full VIN - because it is against DVLA data disclosure laws to do so.

92 thoughts on “How to Find Registration Number from VIN, for FREE

  1. Hi iv purchased a barn find motorcycle with no regerstration plates but I have the vehicle identification number ZDCPC32E0WF305169 can anyone please help me find out the registration number please I know its a honda cb 500cc 1998 model thankyou in advance ๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. SARRD36NS4DG621974 can you help with this mgtf vina and give us the old uk reg – was exported to mexico and need to find what was originally fitted to the car as need to make up another file for the scu module manually . we can do this ourselves.

  3. I have 2cv car with no reg plates, barnfind. No v5 paperwork.
    Vin number VF7AZKA0091KA7258. Supposedly 1986 model.
    Can I get reg number for this.

    1. hi i have a trike which was made in 1997.the engine is from a 1979 beetle which was scrapped the chassis was used to make the trike can i use the original number plate if i can find it thanks

  4. Hi I’m trying to see if this bike is road legal or not as the seller says it is but there is no evidence would it be possible to check this frame number please and get back to me asap thank u very much


  5. Hello, I have been offered a Jeep cherokee with the vin number 1J8G6E8576W216291 Its was originally a belgium registered car. I need to know the reg, is there any chance you can tell me what it is.


    1. I have avin number VF15RKJ0A58621660 can you give me a registration number as is a car i have been looking at but the reg plates are missing

    2. WBAFW12040C844937
      Hi I bought a car. From Copart stolen and recovered and I donโ€™t have the registration number
      Can you help me please

    1. Why are you trying to find out the registration of my white BMW 420D XDrive Gran Coupe M Sport?

  6. How do I find motorbike vehicle registration number from vin number which is:-LHJYCLLA250100424

    1. Hello, would if poss. apricate if you could find the registration number of a Suzuki Ts250 vin ts2504-32027 Thank You

  7. Can anyone help, Iโ€™ve bought an old 73 mustang, got documents including the vin number but no reg details. As itโ€™s only an 11 digit vin Iโ€™m struggling to find the reg details as 11 numbers are not recognised apposed to 17 numbers now required since 1981. I keep looking at sites but not getting anywhere: just saying my details arenโ€™t recognised. Kind regards mark

  8. I have a vin number, but need the registration number, can you tell me how to do this. It is for an old Land rover, not been off the road for too long!

    1. I have an old Bedford van got the vin numbers but number plates rotted away so need to find from vin number after all this is what the heading of this post says

  9. I have put money in my partners bank for him to buy me a car heโ€™s now robbed me and not giving me the car back police arenโ€™t helping I need the vehicle vin number so I can order a new log book can you help me the reg is ******. Is there anything I can do ?

    1. Hi Hana, So sorry to hear about this situation. Unfortunately, we are not allowed to divulge the full VIN to the general public, due to strict DVLA rules. We can only disclose the vehicle registration if you already know the VIN, not the other way round. If you only have the vehicle registration and want to know the VIN, then the only way to do that, is to contact the DVLA and explain the situation. You can find details on how to do this above.

      1. If you phoned a car parts supplier they have dvla look up so the correct parts ate supplied.
        So your with holding information is futile, especially as car crime criminals often have worked on the garage trade to find all the angles
        To cover themselves.

        1. Hi Philip, Unfortunately that is how the DVLA operates. If we were to breach this rule, they might prosecute us.

      2. Hi buddy. I have a older motorcycle bought that come with no documents/ reg. How can I find the reg number for this bike so I can put it through a mot? I have the vin number only for it. I’ve tried almost every service in the UK and it’s as if it’s been forgotten in time. Any help would be greatly apreviated and save me weeks/months of arguing with everyone over it. Nobody will help me out. This Bike is very hard to come by so saving a piece of classic originality. And preying that i can finally get back on the road. This bike has cost me all my savings to get 1 and so i am very literally stuck out of water here! Many thanks. Paul.
        E mail.
        [email protected]

        1. Hi Paul,Iโ€™m having the same problem with an old motorcycle ( Honda xl250r)no v5 was told itโ€™d never been registered before as it had been a farm bike?
          VIN number is only 11 digits,where any where you look says it needs to be 17โ€ฆ
          If youโ€™ve got any where please let me know..
          As I will with youโ€ฆ

    2. hi hana what car is it as most cars have the vin number in the windscreen that you can see hope this helps john

  10. Does anyone ever get there Reg number from the v i n. From this site I’ve been on the site now from 2020 and still not been given a Reg number for my Tomos moped – as starting to wonder if it’s bit of a scam

    1. Hi Michael

      We no longer provide the VIN lookup service, the costs of doing so were becoming too expensive. Unfortunately, it cost us money for each VIN lookup and the price was going up and up. Add to that, the number of negative reviews and abuse we received from a small minority for not replying immediately, it just wasn’t worth our time or expense to continue to provide this service. I apologise for any inconvenience.

  11. Hi there, i have a mk 1 ford transit, and the reg has been lost/forgotten along with the v5. I have the chassis no. Can you trace the original reg. so i can re-apply for the logbook ?

  12. I really need my frame number for my bike what I just bought I know the reg for the bike and the frame has been powdered coated and I have sanded off the first few numbers

  13. hello I’m trying to find the reg number of a suzuki ac50cc moped that I bought from a bloke that stripped it down 30 years ago and put in a shed. the frame number is 186402 and the engine number is 180333. any help on this would be much appreciated. many thanks

  14. Hi i have purchased a Raliegh wisp from a decesed family which he has had for years there was no number plate on it and they cannot find the log book i have found the vin which is 004718 on the frame can you help me get the reg number thanks

  15. Please can you help? I bought a jeep wrangler yj 1994 in Northern Ireland but cannot register in the Republic as I can not locate the VIN/Chassis number engraved on the body. I have the number on log book and bulk head but they need to see it ‘stamped ‘ on the jeep. Anyone know where it is???
    thank you

  16. Hi, I’m trying to find the original registration plate for a vechile I used to lease, as when I received it had my private plate on it, and I need to know what plate was assigned to the car before they put my plate on it. Is it possible to find the information out? Appreciate any help thanks.

  17. Hi i have bought a moped off ebay but the guy we got it off said he will sendnthe logbook and reg plate off and now we can get hold of him for please can u help me out to.get the reg number many thanks

  18. Dear friends please help me in finding out my cars registration number as all I have is the vin number all your help great fully apriciated bless you VIN number for the car is ***************

  19. Plz check my bike details by chassis number I don’t have registration number but i have Chassis number

  20. Hi i just got a bike with no number plate how do I get the plate number I had the vin number is the any way of finding out ??

      1. Hi you printed my query. For my Tomos A3 moped I may have said it the wrong way round ( sorry) what I need is the Reg number not the vin number as my vin is788153 of which you already have. Many thanks

        1. I have the same problem with a Tomos moped – got a 6 digit vin and only a partial registration- Iโ€™m trying to get the rest of the registration to apply for the log book

  21. Hiya. I have the same problem as a lot of other posts.
    I have bought a John Deere gator which has number plate screws but no plate, or v5 can I find out the registration plate by the VIN number?

    1. Hi John, Yes, you can. Please just contact us through the Contact page and include the VIN and we will try to find the reg for you.

  22. How can I check to see if s bike as ever been registered by dvla by as it as no number plate but all the engine and frame numbers

  23. I have a suzuki b120 motorbike which has a number plate tax disc and engine number but no vin stamped on the head stock? i think its had a new frame earlier in its life but the previous owner lost the logbook and said just apply for a new one im not sure if i can due to no number on the headstock?

  24. Hi. I have a 2015 Nissan juke. The vin number on my windscreen and on my v5 are the same but when I try to look it up on line its not recognise

  25. I have the same problem as above whereby I have bought a vehicle that didnโ€™t have a logbook or number plate and only have the VIN to work with. Can you help me also please ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ

  26. Hi I have bought my car and the guy had private number plate on us he took his plate off of the car but now the car has no number plate on it and I can’t get a hold of the guy to give me the number so I can get some med he also said he will send the logbook out and I did not receive it yet so I don’t know what to do I have the vehicle I have the VIN number but I just don’t know how to get my number plate up and running

    1. Please can you assist with what the registration number is for a Humber motor car chassis number 6885. The car has come to me without it number plates or log book, but I was told that there was a V5 for this car back in 2006. Many thanks. Simon D.

  27. Hi there, purchased a 1979 (approx) Yamaha XS250 with no renumber or docs. Vin number is ********. Can you help?

  28. I’m looking to buy a BMW car but the owner has no log book or number plates.
    I would like to put the car back on the road but need the reg to make sure all is legitimate.
    Vin is : WBAAM32040AW97946.
    Thanks in advance.

  29. I’m looking to buy a BMW car but the owner has no log book or number plates.
    I would like to put the car back on the road but need the reg to make sure all is legitimate.

    Thanks in advance.

  30. Hello there can you please help me I have not vin numbers engain and frame but I don’t know the numberplate can you help me

  31. Hello I have a harley Davidson road king it has no registration when I bought it it was registered but the owner cant remember the registration, I have a frame number and was wondering could you get the details of the bike from that. 1hd 1fbr 15vy 622 109 any help would be appreciated

  32. Trying to find reg no of tractor have chassis no but doesn’t seem to be in system in Ireland ,think it might be a uk import, if you could be of any help it be very much appreciated.

  33. I have baut a bike with no number plate or logbook I have the vin number engine number just no reg can any one help me

    1. I have a massey ferguson 35x tractor. the log book has been lost and we cant remember the registration number. it had four numbers and ended in two letters ‘IB’ (County Armagh N.I.) The chasis number is SNMY 302333. I have been able to find out from this number that it was built in 1962. We think my Father bought it new in 1964,so that is probably when it was first registered.

      Hope you can help,



  34. Hi years ago I bought a quad bike as spares and repairs on eBay when it turned up it had speedo indicators everything needed to make it road legal. But no V5 or Reg on the bracket.

  35. hi i want to bay a wv passat but the owner lost plate number and logbook is posibel to find plate number only with vin ?

  36. I bought a classic car and have no log book (V5C) and it has a private registration on it that now is on another car, how do I get the registration, the previous owner died years ago

  37. Hi there,trying find out reg from the vin. Vs6bxxwpfbbd21122 it’s a mk1 ford fiesta black .but when I do the checks on it,it comes with fiesta 2011

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